
Undoing the Busy

The “Disease of Being Busy” Too many of us are too busy and it’s affecting adults and children alike in negative ways.  In fact, there has been a term coined to speak to the issue referred to as the “disease of being busy.”  You might be thinking that you get more...

Why Play Is So Important

Children today are not playing like children in generations past.  In fact, many children do not even know how to engage in play other than with electronics.  Play is often seen as “child’s play”, however it is an essential part of life no matter the age.   Instead of...

Foster, Adoptive, and Birth Mom’s on Mother’s Day

As a foster or adoptive mother your life of motherhood may not currently look like the life you envisioned, especially on Mother's Day.   It may be more than you could ever imagine Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest things. -Ricki Lake   When you longed...

5 Trauma & Attachment Quotes to Further Understanding

Trauma & Attachment As information on trauma becomes more prevalent there is more to know than being trauma informed or trauma sensitive.  Brain research and our understanding of neuroscience continues to deepen and expand.  As a starting point to further examine...

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